Monday, January 14, 2013

You say that you are rich and have become wealthy and have need of nothing . . . (Rev 3:17)

    The word translated as rich is the Greek  plousios 
(strongs - G4145). It can mean literally having lots of money or possessions, or metaphorically having an abundance or something intangible.

     The word translated as wealthy is another form of the same word. It is also translated as , be rich, become rich, increase in goods.

    The word translated as need is chreia (Strongs-G5532). It means need or necessity and sometimes duty or business. It is usually translated as need but is sometimes translated as necessity,use, needful, necessary, business, task, lack, or wants. 

This verse comes to mind as I reflect on being rich and needing nothing:

Luke 1:53 He has filled the hungry with good things; and sent away the rich empty-handed.

The word rich here is the same one used in the revelations passage.The word hungry comes from Peinao (Strongs-G3983) which means to be physically hungry, to suffer want, or to be needy. It is also used metaphorically to mean to crave ardently or to seek with eager desire.

I don't want to be sent away empty handed. I want to be filled with good things from God. Once again I am faced with the fact that we may already be so filled with things that are not from God that we do not perceive our neediness; we are not hungry; we are not ardently craving or eagerly seeking all that God has for us.

Lord Jesus, We submit to whatever it takes for us to become hungry for you. With out you we have nothing of real value at all. You are eternal goodness, eternal and true life and love. Nothing we desire can compare with You. We need you desperately. Help us to feel our need.

1 comment:

  1. Mt 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger (seek with eager desire an identified need) and thirst (painfully feel their want) for righteousness ( the state of how you ought to be, i.e., acting, thinking, and feeling rightly in line with God's Word), for they shall be satisfied ( these needs and wants shall be provided). (Mike's Amplified)

    We all want to be blessed, but do we desire and take the time and effort to identify the needs we have to help us mature, to become how we should be in Him and in Righteousness? Are we willing to feel the pain of of how inadequate, immature, and wretched we are apart from Him, then to stay on course to let Him transform us?

    Stir us Lord that we may hunger and thirst for You?
