Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Be like a Child to Mature

Mt 18 Starts off with the disciples asking Jesus "who is the greatest?" Of course we know the rest of the story, Jesus called a child then said "unless you humble yourself and become as a child..."

That childlikeness, not childishness, is that willingness to trust, to be dependant, to be submitted, willing to be helped. I have read recently a note by a pastor who says he does not teach self control anymore, he teaches submission ( willingness to be helped, to be under, and I will add to abide) because self control or a sound mind is a fruit of the Spirit, if we submit (or abide) we will bear fruit.

My own cliche (well more than that) is : without submission, its just selfish ambition

To be great, we must be submitted, not my will, but His....and dare I say, the will of His appointed authorities here on Earth. (Of course as they are submitted to Him, but even as Saul tried to unrighteously kill David, he still honored God's annointed, even though he had to run for his life)

1 comment:

  1. It is an interesting thought that being childlike leads to maturity. It does make sense when I think about children. Being needy and willing to receive from their parents keeps them safe, helps them grow, and helps them learn. Rebellious children who won't submit, because they have a better idea don't mature.
